Infrared thermometer dit516
Infrared thermometer dit516 Product ID: Tecpel DIT-516<For professionals who need to diagnose heating and ventilation problems, the Tecpel® Infrared Thermometer offers simple, quick, and accurate surface temperature measurement at the trigger of a button . This thermometer is safer than traditional contact thermocouple thermometer,
Digital Multimeter
6000 counts Digital multimeter Model:DMM-8062The Tecpel® 6000 count digital multimeter DMM-8062 is a rugged, best quality, high reliability, and small moderate tool at affordable price. It can perform a variety of measurement with RS-232 interface(optional USB cable). Great solution for a wide variety of electrical and electronic testing applications. Certificated with VDE safety approval marks and with some many features, this multimeter is surely the best buy in the field.
Sound Level Meters
handheld LCR meter 100KHz
20MHz Oscilloscope handheld OS-1022
Tecpel Co., Ltd
Environment / Industrial Testers
Calibrators / Clamp transducer / Clamp Meters / DC Power Supplies / Electric Testers / Function Generators / LCR Meters/Instruments / Multimeters / Oscillosocpes / Oscilloscope Probes / Test Leads
Electric/Electronic Equipment
/ Calibrators
/ EMF field Testers
/ Infrared Thermometer
/ Light Meters
/ Manometers
/ Sound Level Meters
/ pH meters
/ Tachometers
/ Temp. and Humidity Meters
/ Temperature Humidity Transmitter
/ Temperature Calibrators
/ Thermocouples
/ Thermometers
/ Thickness Gauge
/ Accessoires
Tecpel is a reliable Taiwan based manufacturer of Oscilloscope, DC Power Supply, Temperature meter, Clamp meter, Sound level meter, Light meter, industrial thermometer, digital multimeter, Clamp meter, temperature/Humidity data logger, pH meters, LCR meter, Insulation meters, , Differential probes, and etc.