for sound level meter temperature measurement , 4-20mA
Clamp Transmitter
CA-60 0-60A current clamp , CA-600 0-600a AC/DC Current clamp transmiter; CA-1000D AC/DC 0-1000A clamp-on sensor.
Current clamp meters
AC, DC, 400A, 1000A, 1500A measuring Voltage, current, Ampere, Resistance and etc. .
Laboratory DC Power supply
0-30V, 0-3A output,
Tripple output..
Multimeters, 1999, 3999 , 20000 counts, Trms AC measurement.
Oscilloscope series including handheld, bench top, digital oscillocope.
Oscilloscope probes , differential probes, high voltage probes,
Accssory for multimeters, function generators, calmp meters, oscilloscopes and etc.
Anemometers, hotwire anemometers, pocket anemometers,
Calibrators for temperature, process calibrators, 4-20mA, signal, sound level meters.
EMF Gauss meters, Co2 meters
Non contact Infrared thermometers for temperature measurement of 500 *C to 1300C.
Tempeature, Humidity meters, data logger, transmitter and recorder.
Digital thermometers, including 1, 2, 4 channel temperature meters, data loggers and etc.
Thermocouples including bead probes, immersion sensor, surface sensor, roller type, maganetic thermocouples for thermometers.
Tmpeature, humidity transmitters for 4-20mA ouput, 0-10V signal and etc. to work with LED Monitor display. Ethernet, wireless environment measurement.
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